Founded in 2001, Tiger offers a wide and proven array of customer-lauded gas analyzers, as well as atmospheric and environmental monitors. Based upon powerful Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS), Tiger instruments afford outstanding detection capabilities, speed of response, dynamic range, and accuracy, combined with continuous auto-calibration, ease-of-use, and freedom from moving parts and consumables. From the cleanest of semiconductor fabs to the harshest coal-fired stacks, our analyzers work to improve your yields, reduce costs, and ease the burdens of regulatory compliance.
We are also the first ISO 9001:2000 accredited CRDS company, known for our quality, consistency and manufacturing excellence, as well as excellent global support.
Highlights of our capabilities and offerings include:
Multi-species, versatile technology: Tiger’s single- and multi-species trace analyzers and air monitors tackle a myriad of molecules, including moisture, ammonia, methane, oxygen, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde, and more.
Robust, versatile instrumentation: Our instruments work in a wide range of matrices, including toxic, corrosive, and hydride gases.
Absolute accuracy:
Our technology is highly accurate, with sales to 20 national metrology institutes, which use our systems as transfer standards and for environmental research.
Customized product development: From the U.S. national lab (NIST), which used Tiger to name its formaldehyde standard, to SASOL, the South African chemical company engaged in innovative gas-to-liquid (GTL) synthesis, businesses and labs around the world turn to Tiger for their special analytical needs.
World-class Manufacturing: Consolidated under one roof in Warrington, PA, Tiger develops, designs, and manufactures its full line of analytical equipment. Our ISO 9001-certified operation guarantees consistent and reliable performance for our customers worldwide.
Global Service Support: Tiger offers both factory and field service through our authorized service centers in Pennsylvania, France, Taiwan, China and Korea. In addition, our distributors worldwide are well trained and highly technical -- fully capable of providing installation and field support where needed.
Training, Presenting, and Publishing: We actively support our customer base with training programs and easy-to-use materials in many languages. The Tiger team is a fixture at technical presentations and industry conferences around the world. (Be sure to say, “Hi!”) In addition, we are a frequent contributor of articles and news to magazines, newsletters, and on-line publications serving your markets.